I was featured in a 15 minute segment on PBS Hawaii’s program, “Home is here.”
Johnson Becomes the First Cartoonist to Win the Whiting Award
From The Whiting foundation:
“The Whiting Foundation is proud to announce the recipients of the 2023 Whiting Awards, given annually to ten emerging writers in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. The awards, of $50,000 each, are based on early accomplishment and the promise of great work to come.”
Review Roundup: No One Else
“Note-perfect" —The New York Times full review
“A beautiful example of a short comic containing multitudes.” — Publishers Weekly full starred review (Best Books 2021)
“A wry, compassionate story of gemlike precision, whose beauty cuts deeply” —The Globe and Mail (100 books we loved in 2021)
“No One Else skyrockets him to the upper pantheon of cartoonists making literary fiction thanks to his skillful use of the medium.” —The Comics Journal full review
"Johnson's dreamlike vignettes capture a family in the aftermath of loss, during a time of transition and, possibly, renewal, as they live through moments that are at once quotidian and monumental." — The New Yorker excerpt and interview
“Throughout No One Else, Johnson masterfully ties the visuals to the story’s thematic exploration of the ways the pains of the past reverberate through time.” —A.V. Club full review
"A meditative and melancholy story that's nevertheless bristling with energy and dry humor — one that lingers long after the first read." — Bomb Magazine full review
“One of the most subtle, poignant books about grief I’ve ever experienced.” —AIPT full review
Book Tour
Book Tour: In-person Talks & Signings
11/11 NYC at The Strand w/Chip Kidd. Tickets
12/01 San Francisco at Green Apple Books w/Paolo Rivera
12/04 Seattle at Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery
12/10 Honolulu at BāS Bookshop: Free tickets.
12/11-12 Maui Comic Con at Maui Beach Hotel
Career-spanning Interview With James Romberger for The Comics Journal
2 Graphic Novel Releases : Fall 2021
Here’s a short video introduction to my work and the books coming out this fall:
Gold Medal Winner, Society of Illustrators
Thank you to the Society of Illustrators for awarding my New Yorker cover, “Safe Travels,” a gold medal in the 2018 Editorial category. Thank you also to the jury, and of course to Art Editor, Françoise Mouly.
Interview and Profile on Itsnicethat.com
Read the full interview here.
Hana Hou Magazine Profile
I'm honored to have a profile in the June/July 2017 issue of Hawaiian Airlines' Hana Hou! magazine. Thank you to Cathay Che for the flattering prose, to Bailey Rebecca Roberts for the the beautiful photos, and to the rest of the magazine staff!
"Body and Soul" comic strip series in the New Yorker
This week, I had the honor of having four comic strips published in the New Yorker's body and fitness-themed issue.
Art direction: Françoise Mouly.
Maya Shankar and the Water In Flint Michigan
For the New Yorker magazine.
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov
AI-AP Profile →
Thank you Robert Newman and American Illustration for the generous interview and profile.
The New Yorker Cover: "The Finish Line."
↑ Fiction-themed New Yorker cover.
Art Direction: Françoise Mouly
The New Yorker Cover: "Commencement"
↑ Graduation-themed New Yorker cover.
Thank you Michael Canva for the close and flattering analysis of this piece in the Washington Post.
Art Direction: Françoise Mouly
The New Yorker Cover: "Closing Set"
Belief in Alien Life VS Faith in Evolution
↑ Newsweek's weekly "two numbers" column alleges "Americans are nearly as likely to believe in intelligent aliens as they are in evolution."
Art Direction: Jessica Fitzgerald
Bloomberg: 50 Most Influential
↑ Bloomberg asked me draw the portraits for this year's 50 Most Influential list.
↑ All 50 portraits as seen in the print edition of Bloomberg Markets Magazine.
↑ John Taylor
↑ Jeff Besos
↑ Janet Yellen
↑ Reid Hoffman
↑ Jorge Paolo Lemann
↑ Warren Buffet
↑ The double gatefold chart in the print magazine seems to function better as an online presentation.
Art Direction: Lou Vega
"Spotlight" film review: The New Yorker
↑ The New Yorker's Review of the film, Spotlight.
↑ Rachel McAdams, Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, and Brian d’Arcy James play Boston Globe reporters in Tom McCarthy’s film.
Art Direction: Chris Curry.
Symphony For the City Of The Dead
↑ Wraparound book jacket illustration. Symphony for the City of the Dead: Dmitri Shostakovich and the Siege of Leningrad by M.T. Anderson.
↑ Unused Sketches.
Art Direction: Matt Roeser
Mission Impossible
↑ The New Yorker's Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation film review.
↑ Unused Sketches.
Art direction: Chris Curry.